What is the difference between an electric wheelchair and a transport chair?

What is the difference between an electric wheelchair and a transport chair?

What is the difference between an electric wheelchair and a transport chair?

  • Sep 15, 2021
We have written about how to pick the right wheelchair in the past. We have more detailed information on it here. Our goal in this article is to educate you more about the core differences between transport chairs and electric wheelchairs. So, what’s are the differences between them? We will answer both questions in this article. You must know your options if you want to choose the right transport chair between the standard chair and the transport chair. Numerous mobility devices will suit everyone online. The days of clumsy one-size fit options are over. The most important thing to consider is its usage. You can start your search from there. There are differences in wheel size, seat type, weight, and real size between the two chairs. You can use these differences to separate the two chairs under review.

The Basics of Electric Wheelchair

Power Base 

The power base combines with the wheels to hold the brakes, wiring harnesses, motor, and battery. This power base and other parts are connected to the wiring system. It runs the control panel and is situated on the armrest. They are all well-protected. The power base sits on top of the seating system. The seating system has adjustments that make the chair easy for the person behind the wheel. The adjustments might include the following:
  • "Power tilt
  • "Power recline"
  • Elevating leg rests
  • Adjustable seat height
  • Position on the ground
  • Adjustable high/medium back.
If the above adjustments fall within your needs, then you can go for it. Some of the chairs have unchanging/static seating options.


The battery can be a dry cell with no liquid. If the battery is a dry cell, it will require a 24-volt battery to operate the electric chair. The battery that you will find in an electric wheelchair is sealed and a lead-acid battery. They either contain a liquid electrolyte (wet cell battery) or a dry cell with no liquid.


You must consider the amount of power that you will need. Some electric chairs have 2-pole motors. Others have a 4-pole motor. If what you need is a heavy-duty wheelchair, then the 4-point motor is for you. The lightweight options come with 2-pole motor designs. There is extra strength in heavy-duty wheelchairs in the following areas:
  • The frame
  • The suspension
  • The wheels


Electric chairs typically have six or four wheels. The wheels are fixed on a single plane. These additional sets of wheels are located at the front or rear. It can be distributed between them. They help to maintain the guiding and balance of the electric wheelchair. The wheels have suspensions. This will make them touch the uneven ground. The wheels are located at the bottom of the wheelchair on the power base. They can be found on the back of the wheelchair, middle, or front.

The Basics of Transport Chairs

The transport chair is meant for temporary use only. They are required to move around when you visit clinics. It will be useful if your medic visits you. It comes with only the necessary elements needed for smooth transport. This chair is not padded. The transport chair is user-friendly. You can easily fold it and pace in the trunk of a car or the backseat. The measurement of this chair is between 8 inches to 12 inches. It has four small wheels. The back seat does not swivel, while the front seat does. No occupant of the chair can access the rear wheels. This chair has a lever, hand brakes, or lever on the rear. It is operated by an assistant. The hand brakes are located at the push handles. This will make it easy for the assistant to negotiate uneven grounds and slopes with ease. The brakes should be locked when the user is coming out of the transport chair. No user can use the transport chair independently. The design of the chair will not permit that. An assistant will push the chair from behind. The chair is flexible. It is rugged and durable like the wheelchair. The materials are light and can be easily folded for quick transport. The frame of the transport chair is lighter than that of a standard wheelchair. The seats can be of the same dimension. The weight is around 25 pounds.

The Key Differences Between Transport Chairs and Electric Wheelchairs

There are major differences between wheelchairs and transport chairs. The major difference between the two sets of chairs is that they move. They are different in the way they are propelled. If the arms of the disabled person are functional, then he or she can move around in the wheelchair without assistance. This fact is responsible for the popularity of this chair among disabled people. The wheelchair gives the disabled person complete control, even if they are paralyzed from their toes to the waist. The only advantage of the transport chair is when the disabled person has weakness in their upper body. It is also easy to access narrow or hard areas with the transport chair. The transport chair can only be operated with the assistance of an able-bodied person. He is the second person that will push the chair. This chair is never designed for independent use. You can use the transport chair as a makeshift walker. This is possible if the real user is able-bodied and can stand and push the chair from behind. If you are traveling on buses, trains, or trams, then the transport chair is better than the wheelchair. They are easily folded and can pass through single steps and narrow aisles. If you truly want to move around independently, then a wheelchair is the better option. The wheelchair can be customized for every disabled person. You cannot achieve this with the technology of the transport chair. There is a high demand for wheelchairs because they are rugged and long-lasting.

The Benefits of Using Both Types of Chairs

The transport chair can be folded compactly in size. It is easy to store and lightweight. The frame is narrow. It allows easy passage through the majority of the aisles and doors.
  • The rear wheel does not swivel. They are fixed. The brakes are reliable and are easily engaged as the user enters or exits the chair.
  • The user will need assistance from a different person to push it from behind.
  • The electric wheelchair comes with a power headrest.

Battery Life

The battery life of the motorized chair is very important. If you need the chair for long periods, then choose a battery with quality battery power. It will keep you moving for a long time. Getting a backup is an excellent idea. If your model did not come with a spare battery, make sure you include one in your accessory.


Weight, ease of assembling, and foldability are important considerations when you want to purchase a motorized wheelchair. When you have a user-friendly model, it will be easy to get into any place. Can the chair fit into the car trunk or does it require a special lift or rack? These are issues to be considered.


A motorized chair that can run on uneven surfaces and a rougher terrain is ideal for those that want to get outdoors. Where you go out less often, you will need a narrow profile and a tight turning technology. They will pass through interior doorways with ease. The non-scuff tire technology will make things easier while on the chair.

What Should You Consider While Choosing Between Them?

It is recommended that people who cannot walk without assistance invest in a wheelchair. It will allow such people to move around easily, both indoors and outdoors. The risk of accidents will be reduced. The wheelchair will provide the user a more active life. They will be able to take part in each day’s routine without asking for aid. If you want to choose between the transport chair and the wheelchair, some relevant questions must be asked. These questions are personal to individuals.
  • Does the terrain have hallways and narrow doors? The transport chair is best in this situation.
  • What is the environment that you use the chair in?
  • What is the value of the weight, foldability, and flexibility of the chair?
  • Does the chair require assistance to get in and out of the vehicles?
The answers to the questions above are personal.

Electric Wheelchair vs. Transport Chair: Which is Better?

1. The Destination Matters

If you go in a wheelchair, then you must have a situation where you can freely move around your environment. You can go for a comfortable chair that will make things easy on the wheelchair. On the other hand, if you have narrow doorways and hallways or other difficult areas to access, your best bet is the transport chair.

2. The Need for Transfer

What will happen if you have a manual wheelchair that is difficult to fold up? This type of chair will be difficult to put into the compartment of the car. You will require transportation that comes with lift technology. In the alternative, you can take an assistant with you. It will simplify the transport options. In the absence of either of the two options, you can travel in a car.

3. Transport Chair is Suited Congested Areas

When you are in a setting that is not easily accessible and you will be there for a long time, a transport chair will be the right option. It must be pushed by someone. No matter your level of energy, you will need the transport chair to access difficult angles when you sit for long hours. You will need a wheelchair that you can easily manipulate if you want to participate in active sports and wheelchair hiking. You can have different wheelchairs that are designed for different purposes.

4. Transport Chair is Easy-to-Operate 

If you find it difficult to operate an electric or manual wheelchair, you will require a transport wheelchair. It will not be suitable for people who have difficulty getting in and out of their chairs. What you need in that case is a comfortable manual chair that will be pushed by an assistant.

5. Disability is a Major Aspect

Never limit yourself to only one chair if you have a permanent disability. You are going to need a transport chair and one for everyday use. You will need a chair for special activities and another for sports. You will need a combination of a transport chair and a wheelchair if you are recuperating from a broken limb. For those that it will take a long time to recover from, it is advised that you rent an electric wheelchair or a standard manual. It will allow you to get more done and get around easily.

Final Words!!

It is important to know the difference between a wheelchair and a transport chair before you buy one. You must consider your own needs and those of your caregiver before making your choice. The two chairs are effective ways to boost convenience and increase the mobility of a disabled person. It is recommended that you make direct contact with the manufacturer of the new wheelchair or transport chair before you place your order. Tests run it by having a feel of how it works before placing your order. Have a feel of its weight and the force that is required to move it forward. Is the chair ideal for your weight and height? Can you get around to it more easily and have more done? There are more begging questions.

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